Frequently asked


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive at Zova CBD. Don't see the answer to your questions here? Try getting in touch with the Zova Support Team at

General Questions

The creators of Zova CBD use the phrase “because quality of life is important to us” on all of our packaging to signify exactly that. We entered the CBD industry to create a product that will improve quality of life for everyone, and that is why we state the above phrase on all of our products.

Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract contains all parts of the hemp plant (terpenes, flavonoids, phytocannabinoids, etc) but, 0.00% THC free. Because it contains all of the portions of the hemp plant, it amplifies the beneficial impact that it has with your body, leading to an entourage effect.

All Zova products are made with Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract.

Cannabinoids are a group of fatty compounds found in the hemp plant. These cannabinoids are also produced by the human body and other plants. They are the primary chemical compound that is produced by the cannabis plant. Hemp produces more than 80 different phytocannabinoids naturally, with Cannabidiol (CBD) being the most widely known.

Within the human body we have a system called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) which creates the cannabinoid receptors that the cannabinoid compound reacts with. You can read more about the Endocannabinoid System on our science page.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a regulatory system, its main function is to maintain the body’s homeostasis through the production of cannabinoid receptors. You can read more about the ECS and how it works here!

The phenomenon known as the entourage effect results when the many components within the hemp plant interact with the human body to produce a stronger influence than any one of the components alone.

All of the Zova CBD products come with a suggested use on their individual packaging. Our CBD Tinctures offer the ability to customize the specific amount of cannabidiol (CBD) that you receive in one sitting thanks to their 1ml dropper. Consult the concentration chart located on the side of the box to determine the specific dosage of CBD you will consume in one serving.

Product related Questions

Our CBD Tinctures come in 3 concentrations of 300mg, 900mg, and 1500mg. We also offer the ability to choose between 4 flavors: Strawberry Cheesecake, Lemon Sunset, Vanilla Bean, and Natural.

All Zova products come with the ingredients clearly labeled on their packaging. For the convenience of our customers, we also list the ingredients for the specific products on their specific product page.

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We recommend consulting with your physician prior to adding CBD to your daily routine.

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